How it works
L’amour des Bonbons uses the pre-order model for the collection that is not in stock.
Because we have limited stock this is L’amour des Bonbons way of minimizing our couture waste.
We feel that it is our responsibility to create our pieces as consciously as possible.
A pre-order is an order placed for an item that hasn't been produced yet.
Pre-order signals a move towards a slower pace of fashion, and it also helps small brands like us
dictate how much product we invest in.
We are very pleased that the pre-order model is being used more and more across the fashion industry ;
as we move further away from the tireless cycle of overproduction.
When can you expect your pre-order?
Once you place your pre-order with us, L’amour des Bonbons will get to work on your piece immediately.
This ensures that it’s ready and on its way to its new table within 10 working days.
We do our best to keep our consumers as involved and informed as possible along the way.
Be it garment design, production lead-time, or shipping information.